line graph

Moving Out: Share of Population (by age) that Rents in Australia

What percentage of Australians rent? How is this trending? Why is it better for the environment if there are more homeowners? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, infographics

Sex Ratio by Industry (US)

Are there more women than men working in particular industries in the US?* Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections. As a caution, this presents data about gender as male/female binary, and is not inclusive of other identities.

bar graph

Cost of Minting US Coins: Pennies, nickels cost more than their face value

Pennies and nickels cost more to produce than their face value! How much more? (Includes a follow-up task about calculating how much it costs to make a dollar's worth of each coin) Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, bar graph, Desmos, double bar graph

Food Deserts: 14 States have Greater than 15% of their Population Living in Food Deserts

More than 39 million Americans live in "food deserts" -- places where residents do not have ample access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Use these graphs to explore this urgent issue. Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.