
Sales-per-store for Fast Food Franchises in the US

Some fast food places seem like they are everywhere! Walk another block in the city, and you hit another one. Are they all profitable? Which franchises are the most profitable fast food businesses per location?

*social justice, scatterplot

The Income You Need to Purchase a Home in Canada

How much income do you need to purchase a home in Canada? And can a typical family afford the typical home? (graph from Mandy Lam/@datawithprofmandy on insta)

world's biggest employers
bar graph

The World’s Biggest Employers

The World's Biggest Employers graph from Statista; slow reveal by Jenna Laib (@jennalaib) Slide Deck 1 reveals the topic early on and then students make sense of the employers. Slide Deck 2 reveals the employers early on without the topic, and students make sense of that. Both has them analyzing the quantities and what they… Continue reading The World’s Biggest Employers

*social justice, line graph

Amazon warehouse workers suffer muscle and joint injuries at a rate 4 times higher than industry peers

At what rate do full-time employees experience muscle and joint injuries at work? How could unionizing impact the data for Amazon workers? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

line graph

Moving Out: Share of Population (by age) that Rents in Australia

What percentage of Australians rent? How is this trending? Why is it better for the environment if there are more homeowners? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, bar graph

2019 National School Climate Survey: Experiences of LGBTQ+ Youth in Our Nation’s Schools

GLSEN's 2019 National School Climate survey investigated the safety of LGBTQ+ Youth in American schools. What did the survey reveal? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.