bar graph, double bar graph

Share of American Adults who Identify as LGBTQ+

5.6% of US Adults identify as LGBTQ+. However, the percentage of adults looks very different depending on your generation: from baby boomers to Gen Z, how do these trends look over time? What do we think this data means? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, bar graph, Desmos, double bar graph

Food Deserts: 14 States have Greater than 15% of their Population Living in Food Deserts

More than 39 million Americans live in "food deserts" -- places where residents do not have ample access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Use these graphs to explore this urgent issue. Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

bar graph, double bar graph

Comparing the number of mass shootings in the US (by race) with the number of words used in coverage by the NYTimes

How does the number of mass shootings, broken down by race, compare with the average number of words the NYTimes used to cover the story?

Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.