bar graph

Movies: What’s gone up the most in price? (Examining US Inflation & Cost of Items)

Movies: What’s gone up the most in price?
% increase in price by item since 1960 vs. cumulative inflation rates
graph from Zachary Crockett/The Hustle; slow reveal by Jenna Laib (@JennaLaib)

(Slide Deck includes notes and questions to elicit discourse)

Type of Graph: bar graph

Source: Crockett, Zachary. “America’s favorite family outings are increasingly out of reach.” The Hustle: July 16, 2022.

Paired Text:

Martin, Rachel. “Inflation is the No. 1 challenge facing families right now, Cecilia Rouse says.” NPR’s Morning Edition: May 19, 2022.

Potential Math Content: bar graph, percentages, percentile change, estimating values

Potential Content Connections: pop culture, movies, consumerism, capitalism, economy, inflation

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