line graph

Population of the New England Colonies

How many people were living in New England between 1620 and 1750? How do the demographics break down by race? What can we deduce from the shifts in population? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

bar graph

Prize-Winning Pumpkin Weights

How big are the world's largest pumpkins? What accounts for the rapid growth in size for years? Have we finally peaked with how big we can grow pumpkins? Go inside the world of competitive pumpkin growing... Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, bar graph

2019 National School Climate Survey: Experiences of LGBTQ+ Youth in Our Nation’s Schools

GLSEN's 2019 National School Climate survey investigated the safety of LGBTQ+ Youth in American schools. What did the survey reveal? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, line graph

Homelessness Among US Veterans and the Impact of Targeted Voucher Programs

How did the US government address the major issues of homelessness amongst its military veterans? ...and what's happening now? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, bar graph, line graph

Vaping Up a Storm 3: E-cigarette ads and teen e-cigarette use

As more dollars were spent on e-cigarette advertising, e-cigarette use amongst teens rose dramatically. This double y-axis graph, that is both a bar and a line graph, reveals a disturbing trend.

Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, line graph

Vaping up a Storm: E-Cigarette Use in US Middle and High Schools

How many high school and middle school students are vaping? Compare data from 2011 to 2018, showing a disturbing trend.

Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

bar graph, double bar graph

Comparing the number of mass shootings in the US (by race) with the number of words used in coverage by the NYTimes

How does the number of mass shootings, broken down by race, compare with the average number of words the NYTimes used to cover the story?

Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.