*social justice, infographics

Sex Ratio by Industry (US)

Are there more women than men working in particular industries in the US?* Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections. As a caution, this presents data about gender as male/female binary, and is not inclusive of other identities.

bar graph

Cost of Minting US Coins: Pennies, nickels cost more than their face value

Pennies and nickels cost more to produce than their face value! How much more? (Includes a follow-up task about calculating how much it costs to make a dollar's worth of each coin) Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

bar graph

The Deadliest Weather: Fatalities Due to Extreme Weather in the US (2018)

What are the deadliest weather vents in the US? And why is 'wind' separate from 'hurricanes' and 'tornadoes'? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.


Baseball: Exit Velocity as a Measure of Hitting Potential

In 2015, MLB started measuring player's "exit velocity" as a way to predict power hitters. What is this stat, and how does it work? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, line graph

Cost of Tuition at a Public University in Ohio Compared with Potential Minimum Wage Earnings, 1981 – 2020

How does the cost of tuition at a public university in Ohio compare with what a student might earn working a minimum wage job? How has this relationship changed over time? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

line graph

Google Trends: When do people want to know how many tablespoons are in a cup?

When do people google the conversion from tablespoons to cups? What trends do you notice? What does this mean about what Americans are doing? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

graphs, infographics

Which data is most representative? Pie edition

How do we determine what pies are most popular across the US? Where would you go for the answer: google, twitter, instagram, or a survey? This slow reveal data representation -- colored maps -- shows different methods of collecting the data. Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.

*social justice, bar graph

How Much Governments Spend on Childcare for Toddlers

How much do different governments pay for childcare? (Focuses on European governments, but also includes a few others.) The US is an outlier... but by how much? Click to access the slide deck, and learn more about math & content connections.